Docker Network, Docker Compose & Docker Volumes

Docker Network, Docker Compose & Docker Volumes

#90 Days of DevOps Challenge #Day 19 Task #TrainWithShubam


3 min read

Docker Networking:

  • It is used to connect the Docker Containers

  • We can create a Network using the command

docker create network network-name

Types of Docker Networking:

  • Bridge: It is the default network created by docker to communicate between containers that are running on the same host.

  • Host: The container will not have any isolation or separate network it uses the Host network to communicate.

  • Overlay: It is used to communicate between two or more docker daemons i.e., two separate nodes It is mainly used in a docker swarm.

  • IPvlan: IPvlan networks give users total control over both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.

  • macvlan: Macvlan networks allow you to assign a MAC address to a container, making it appear as a physical device on your network.

  • None: For this container, disable all networking. Usually used in conjunction with a custom network driver. none is not available for swarm services.

Docker Compose:

  • Docker Compose is a tool that was developed to help define and share multi-container applications.

  • We will use yaml file to define services

  • We can Automate the Containers using docker-compose.

  • docker-compose is a tool and we should install it.

Task 1

1. Create a multi-container docker-compose file that will bring UP and bring DOWN containers in a single shot ( Example - Create application and database container )

Sample docker-compose file (docker-compose.yaml)

  • In this file, I have mounted volumes.

  • build an image and created a container.

  • created container using docker hub Image.

      version: '3.9'
          external: true
      #service 1
          container_name: todo
      #building image from local docker file.
          build: .
            - 8000:8000
            - node-todo-volume:/app
      #service 2
          container_name: mysql
      #pulling image from docker hub.
          image: mysql:latest
            - 3306:3306
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "test@123"
  • Use the docker-compose up command with the -d flag to start a multi-container application in detached mode.

      docker compose up -d

  • Use the docker-compose scale command to increase or decrease the number of replicas for a specific service. You can also add replicas in the deployment file for auto-scaling.

      #increasing replicas of web using cli
      docker compose up --scale web=3 -d
      #Adding deploy tag in yaml file
      version: '3.9'
          external: true
          build: .
            - 8000-8004:8000
            replicas: 3
            - node-todo-volume:/app

  • Use the docker-compose ps command to view the status of all containers, and docker-compose logs to view the logs of a specific service.

  • Use the docker-compose down command to stop and remove all containers, networks, and volumes associated with the application.

Docker Volume:

  • Docker Volumes are used to persist the data from the container to the local host and mount it.

  • We can create a container with saved volume so that we can start the container from the same state where it has stopped.

There are two types of volumes:

  1. Anonymus Volumes: These volumes are created automatically when we run a container but when we remove the container the volume will also delete automatically.

  2. Named Volumes: These volumes are created by us to a specified path in this scenario if we remove the container also the data will be persisted.

Task 2

  • Create two or more containers that read and write data to the same volume using the docker run --mount command.

      #creating volume
      docker volume create --name todo-volume --opt device=/home/ubuntu/projects/volumes/node-volume/ --opt o=bind --opt type=none
  • Attaching two containers to the same volume in the below Image

  • Interchanging Containers Creating files and checking if the files are syncing

  • Removing Docker Volumes

    Congratulations we completed Docker Networking, Volumes and Compose ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.
