#90 Days of Devops Challenge #day 01 Task

#90 Days of Devops Challenge #day 01 Task

Devops Introduction


2 min read

  1. What is DevOps

    By the name we can understand a little bit that there are 2 roles one is the developer and the other is operations, there are some misunderstandings between developers and the operations team in production and deployment ๐Ÿ˜‚ so DevOps came into the picture. DevOps is a methodology that was used by DevOps engineers to bridge this gap between developers and operations with help of automation tools which will automate the process between the production phase and deployment phase using CI/CD pipelines.

  2. What are Automation, Scaling, and Infrastructure

Automation means we will give some instructions so that the set of tasks will be done at a single time instead of doing a single task separately.

Scaling is very helpful in the present scenario as we don't know how much traffic will be there for any website so we can use the scaling concept to increase or decrease the specifications of the servers so that the app is running without any crashes.

Infrastructure is like the heart of the whole system networking, virtual machines, load balancers, software, dependencies etc., whichever is used to develop and deploy an application is known as Infrastructure.

  1. Why DevOps is Important

    By Using DevOps we can automate the development and deployment phase by using continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment by this developer can get immediate feedback and he can make changes according to the output.
    They can automate every stage of the software development life cycle and they can get feedback on every stage so that they can easily find out at which stage there are bugs.
    They can make changes whenever they want for example adding a new feature.
    There will be fewer chances of app crashes and they can get immediate feedback if there are any failures.
