Jenkins Project

Jenkins Project

#90DaysofDevops #TrainWithShubam #Day 23 Task

Creating Continous Integration & Continous Delivery of node todo app.


  1. Git

  2. Jenkins

  3. Docker

Let's start our project

  1. Create New Job in Jenkins and name it todo and select the freestyle project.

  2. Now Enter the Description for the project.

  3. Next, select the Source Code Management as Git and paste the project GitHub link select the branch as master ( is project link.

  4. Now go to build steps and run the following docker commands.

  5. Now Apply and Save and select Build Now to run the job.

  6. Open the Console of the build was completed successfully.

  7. Now open your EC2 instance and enable 8000 port in Inbound rules.

  8. Now copy the public ip of the instance and open publicip:8000 in your browser.

    Tada, We have completed our project of creating a Continous integration & Continous Delivery for our project using Jenkins.

    Congratulations on the first project now we will do the same thing using docker-compose as well.

  • Everything is the same as above only step 4 will be changing we will be writing docker-compose commands instead of docker build and docker run.

  • Make sure you install docker-compose before you run this step in Jenkins.

  • Go to Build Steps select Execute Shell and run the following commands

    Tada, We have completed the project with Docker Compose as well.

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